Call for papers “China goes Global” conference 2014
Call for papers 8th annual China goes Global conference, to be held in Shanghai.
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Call for papers 8th annual China goes Global conference, to be held in Shanghai.
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Call for papers: BORN TO BE GREEN: THE ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT OF GREEN START-UPS Southampton Business School, Southampton, UK 21-22 May 2015 *Extended abstract deadline: 10th April 2015 Keynote Speakers: – Prof. David Audretsch (Indiana University) – Prof. Massimiliano Mazzanti (University of Ferrara) – Panel moderator: Prof. Marco Vivarelli (Catholic University of Milan) Special issue:…
Written by Valerie Karplus, an Assistant Professor in the Global Economics and Management Group at the MIT Sloan School of Management and the Director of the MIT-Tsinghua China Energy and Climate Project, this paper examines China’s current approach to tackling air pollution and carbon mitigation nationally and argues that more incentives are needed if China hopes to meet…
On December 20th, 2016 (9 AM – 1 PM), the final conference of the EU project POREEN – Partnering Opportunities between Europe and China in the Renewable Energies and Environmental iNdustries will take place, hosted by the Committee of the Regions (Brussels). The event “Europe – China cooperation in the Environmental and Renewable energy industries” will focus…
Matteo Barra, Expert Officer on Energy Investments, Energy Charter Secretariat, Bruxelles, “Overview and Lessons in Central Asia from Investment Disputes under the Energy Charter Treaty”. on 23th July 2015. Introduction and comments from Prof. Paolo Davide Farah (gLAWcal – Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development – United Kingdom & University Institute of European Studies, IUSE,…
A direct testimony of a Spanish manager doing business in China: “no one could understand the Chinese culture without studying their traditions”. Everybody knows that culture and language affect the way we do business and the way we consider our investments, even inside the same country, like Spain (for example, the Catalans and the Andalusians)…
It has been published the interesting article ” EU patents predict green recovery” on the e journal Horizon