“EU patents predict green recovery”
It has been published the interesting article ” EU patents predict green recovery” on the e journal Horizon http://horizon-magazine.eu/article/eu-patents-predict-green-recovery_en.html
It has been published the interesting article ” EU patents predict green recovery” on the e journal Horizon http://horizon-magazine.eu/article/eu-patents-predict-green-recovery_en.html
A new pubblication by Francesca Spigarelli and Ping Lv, Chinese FDI in the EU: learning from the renewable energy sector, Columbia FDI Perspectives Perspectives on topical foreign direct investment issues No. 179 August 1 , 2016 Editor-in -Chief: Karl P. Sauvant (Karl.Sauvant@law.columbia.edu) Managing Editor: Maree Newson (mareenewson@gmail.com). free download
The first Poreen’s Knowledge Transfer event on “China’s Environmental Challenges” will take place in Macerata, on Friday November 7th 2014. The event will include several speaches by Experienced Researchers and Early Stage Researchers belonging to the Economic Area. They will have talks on the state of the art of Research activities within Poreen in the…
China just released preliminary 2014 gross domestic product (GDP) results. At 7.4% they missed their annual target (7.5%) by a mere breath – not a huge deal practically, but significant symbolically. More important is the composition of this growth. Consumption is playing a bigger role, as investment falls from former growth rates. Services activity continues…
On August 3, 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency released the final Clean Power Plan (CPP), a regulatory action under the Clean Air Act (CAA) that establishes guidelines for states to limit carbon dioxide emissions from existing power-generation units. The plan differs in a number of important ways from a draft version released in June 2014….
A new scientific article published on Energy Policy Journal. The integration of Chinese and European renewable energy markets: The role of Chinese foreign direct investment by Ping Lv, Francesca Spigarelli In the renewable energy (RE) sectors, foreign direct investments are becoming an important mean of regional integration between China and Europe, as a result of…
It was held in Brussels, at Building of the Committee of the Regions, the final conference of poreen project. click here for the program