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Poreen’s paper at University of Strathclyde (Glasgow)
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Call for paper: international graduate workshop on “China and the EU in a multipolar world”
In 2015, China and the EU celebrated 40 years of diplomatic relations. In this period, China’s unprecedented rise and European integration have gone hand in hand with a progressive widening and deepening of their bilateral relations. At the same time, the international structure in which China and the EU are embedded has also undergone tremendous…
The role of internationalization in Chinese firms learning processes – Lecce april 7-8 2016
Within the Final Conference of ENTICE EU-Funded project on “Technological innovation with chinese characteristics”, prof. Francesca Spigarelli had a talk on key results of Poreen projects in the domain of Chinese investments in Europe. Title of presentation: The role of internationalization in Chinese firms learning processes. The conference was held in Lecce on 7-8 april…