Save the date, Rome 10-11 dec. 2014, 7th SET Plan Conference

The 7th Conference of the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan), organized by ENEA under the auspices of the Italian Presidency of the Council of the EU, will be held on the 10-11 December 2014 in Rome, at the Auditorium Antonianum. The move towards a low-carbon Europe with secure supply at affordable prices requires a profound…


Poreen panel @ China goes Global conference, Shanghai, 19-21 August 2014

Researchers from the Economic Area of Poreen will present their research outputs and will discuss about environmental topics in China-Europe cooperation during the 8th China Goes Global Conference (Preliminary Program at a glance: that will be held in Shanghai, at Shanghai Jaotong University on August 19th-21st 2014. Poreen Panel Thursday, August 21, 2014 (Xin…


Poreen @ workshop “Issues of Urban Design in the Era of Ubiquitous Information”, Hong Kong, July 3-4-5 2014

WORKSHOP: Issues of Urban Design in the Era of Ubiquitous Information, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong & Utrecht University, Hong Kong, July 3-4-5 2014 PROGRAMME 2014 07 03 CUHK-UU Programme-definitivo Watch the video in which Terrence Mak from Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the Chinese Hong Kong University shows his project regarding the UAVs…

MILESECURE-2050 Conference, Brussels, 25 June 2014

the MILESECURE-2050 conference on “Transition towards low carbon energy society” will take place in Brussels on Wednesday 25 June 2014. This conference is free and open but places are limited. If you would like to register, please send your contact details (name, surname, organisation, address, phone and email) to the Coordinator of the project: MILESECURE-2050_Energy Day_25_6_2014 LEAFLET


Final OpenChina-ICT Conference – Vilnius, November 2013

The OpenChina Final Conference will take place on November 5, 2013 in Vilnius at the Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva, i.e. the day before the launch of the European Commission’s ICT 2013 Event. The objectives of this Final Conference are to: Bring together policy and research stakeholders from Europe and China, Present the project final results,…