
The role of internationalization in Chinese firms learning processes – Lecce april 7-8 2016

Within the Final Conference of ENTICE EU-Funded project on “Technological innovation with chinese characteristics”, prof. Francesca Spigarelli had a talk on key results of Poreen projects in the domain of Chinese investments in Europe. Title of presentation: The role of internationalization in Chinese firms learning processes. The conference was held in Lecce on 7-8 april…

Special Seminar on“The integration of Chinese and European renewable energy markets: The role of Chinese foreign direct investments”, Kyushu University

Special Seminar on“The integration of Chinese and European renewable energy markets: The role of Chinese foreign direct investments”, Kyushu University

Special Seminar on June 18, titled “The integration of Chinese and European renewable energy markets: The role of Chinese foreign direct investments” By Francesca Spigarelli, Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Macerata

Call for paper at Dundee University: four decades of EU – CHINA relations

Call for paper at Dundee University: four decades of EU – CHINA relations

Workshop entitled ‘Four Decades of EU-China Relations: How far have we come? How far can we go?’ Organised on Wednesday, 5 August 2015, this one day workshop at Dundee University in Scotland will offer researchers a platform to exchange research and the latest analyses on EU-China relations. Please click here to consult the Call for Papers & get additional information….

gLAWcal Newsletter Issue no. 8, 2014

gLAWcal Newsletter Issue no. 8, 2014: Focus on Corporations & Environmental Responsibility. China: Environmental & Labour Issues The new Special Issue of gLAWcal Newsletter (Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development – United Kingdom)  focuses on “Corporations & Environmental Responsibility. China: Environmental & Labour Issues” , illustrating  the research results achieved in the framework of Workpackage 4 of Poreen.

Poreen at the 4th Copenhagen Conference on: ’Emerging Multinationals’

The paper on “THE IMPACT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND INSTITUTIONAL FACTORS ON CHINESE GREEN INVESTMENTS IN EUROPE: HOME AND HOST COUNTRY EFFECT”, by Francesca Spigarelli and Lv Ping, at the 4th Copenhagen Conference on:”Emerging Multinationals’: Outward Investment from Emerging Economies”, Copenhagen (Denmark), 9-10 October 2014. More information available at http://sf.cbs.dk/ofdi/conferences/2014_conference


Poreen at Global EMM-EPF Summit, Berlin 14-16 Sep. 2014

The Global Summit Emerging Markets Foreign Direct Investment Strategies: New Pathways and Policies to Green Growth will be held from 14 to 16 September in Berlin, Germany. Francesca Spigarelli will join the conference illustrating some results of Poreen activities. More information at https://www.emm-network.org/retiros-de-rse/global-emm-summit-2014?lang=es Programme2014-09-02-EPF-EMM-Summit