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China’s Global Outbound M&A in 2014
With more than $50 billion worth of completed deals, Chinese firms continued to be an important driver of global mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity in 2014. However, anticipation of a different growth model and more liberal outward investment policies have affected Chinese buying behavior and deal structures. This note reviews China’s global outbound M&A activity…
Kick off Meeting, Brussels, 28.01.2013
location: Brussels, Madariaga College of Europe Foundation date: 28 January 2013 Program Kick Off Meeting See a map of Brussels{gmap|14 Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée, Brussels, 1040, Belgium|700|700}
Overview and Lessons in Central Asia from Investment Disputes under the Energy Charter Treaty – on 23th July 2015
Matteo Barra, Expert Officer on Energy Investments, Energy Charter Secretariat, Bruxelles, “Overview and Lessons in Central Asia from Investment Disputes under the Energy Charter Treaty”. on 23th July 2015. Introduction and comments from Prof. Paolo Davide Farah (gLAWcal – Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development – United Kingdom & University Institute of European Studies, IUSE,…
Poreen at Global EMM-EPF Summit, Berlin 14-16 Sep. 2014
The Global Summit Emerging Markets Foreign Direct Investment Strategies: New Pathways and Policies to Green Growth will be held from 14 to 16 September in Berlin, Germany. Francesca Spigarelli will join the conference illustrating some results of Poreen activities. More information at https://www.emm-network.org/retiros-de-rse/global-emm-summit-2014?lang=es Programme2014-09-02-EPF-EMM-Summit
The role of internationalization in Chinese firms learning processes – Lecce april 7-8 2016
Within the Final Conference of ENTICE EU-Funded project on “Technological innovation with chinese characteristics”, prof. Francesca Spigarelli had a talk on key results of Poreen projects in the domain of Chinese investments in Europe. Title of presentation: The role of internationalization in Chinese firms learning processes. The conference was held in Lecce on 7-8 april…
ESOF 2016 Conference + MSCA ESOF Satellite conference in Manchester
Euro Science Open Forum (ESOF) is the largest European science conference gathering world famous researchers and scientists from all disciplines. It takes place every two years. The sessions include a science, a science to business and a career programme (to be announced soon). The next ESOF conference will take place on 23-27 July 2016 and will…