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University of Hong Kong march 25 2015 – Energy Security and Sustainable Development: the Shale Gas Development in China
Paolo Davide Farah – Lecture City University of Hong Kong March 25, 2015
The role of internationalization in Chinese firms learning processes – Lecce april 7-8 2016
Within the Final Conference of ENTICE EU-Funded project on “Technological innovation with chinese characteristics”, prof. Francesca Spigarelli had a talk on key results of Poreen projects in the domain of Chinese investments in Europe. Title of presentation: The role of internationalization in Chinese firms learning processes. The conference was held in Lecce on 7-8 april…

Conference at University of Turin
New Offshore Natural Gas Resources in the Levantine: a Legal, Geopolitical and Economic Perspective in the Light of the Constantly Changing Energy Relations Among Europe, China and Russia

Poreen final conference – Brussels december 20, 2016
It was held in Brussels, at Building of the Committee of the Regions, the final conference of poreen project. click here for the program

Chinese investment in Europe: Business strategies and employment relations – Zagreb 25-26 november 2015
Chinese investment in Europe Business strategies and employment relations

Hong Kong 25 march 2015 – Energy Security and Sustainable Development: the Shale Gas Development in China
Paolo Davide Farah – Lecture Chinese University of Hong Kong March 25, 2015