Chinese FDI in the EU: learning from the renewable energy sector – Columbia FDI august 2016

  A new pubblication by Francesca Spigarelli and Ping Lv, Chinese FDI in the EU: learning from the renewable energy sector, Columbia FDI Perspectives Perspectives on topical foreign direct investment issues No. 179 August 1 , 2016 Editor-in -Chief: Karl P. Sauvant ( Managing Editor: Maree Newson ( free download


The role of internationalization in Chinese firms learning processes – Lecce april 7-8 2016

Within the Final Conference of ENTICE EU-Funded project on “Technological innovation with chinese characteristics”, prof. Francesca Spigarelli had a talk on key results of Poreen projects in the domain of Chinese investments in Europe. Title of presentation: The role of internationalization in Chinese firms learning processes. The conference was held in Lecce on 7-8 april…

Special Seminar on“The integration of Chinese and European renewable energy markets: The role of Chinese foreign direct investments”, Kyushu University

Special Seminar on“The integration of Chinese and European renewable energy markets: The role of Chinese foreign direct investments”, Kyushu University

Special Seminar on June 18, titled “The integration of Chinese and European renewable energy markets: The role of Chinese foreign direct investments” By Francesca Spigarelli, Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Macerata