This deliverable is strictly linked to the activities developed within Work package 2 on FDI and trade flows in the renewable energies and environmental industries. It can be considered one of the most prestigious outputs of the huge work carried out by researchers with reference to the topic of Chinese foreign direct investments in the green industries.
So far, the extensive research activity performed has produced 3 papers: one already published in a high impact factor journal (Energy Policy), one accepted in a SCOPUS ranked journal (International Journal of Emerging Markets), one under review in a high impact factor journal (3rd round of review at the Journal of World Business). All papers were presented in several international conferences and workshop. In 2015: in Germany (2 presentations), Italy (4 presentations), China (1 presentation), Japan (1 presentation).
Another paper, with a focus on Solar panel is under preparation for a special issue on Energy Policy.
Based on the findings related to those papers, a comprehensive but compact report has been prepared for possible publication as Columbia FDI Perspectives, by the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment (CCSI) ie the former Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable international Investment.
Columbia FDI Perspectives is a peer-reviewed series of two-page long articles (of not more than 850 words, including footnotes). They are meant to address FDI issues that are topical and policy-oriented, and hence of interest to a wide audience. Their purpose is to inform readers about these issues in a concise and readable manner.
Each Perspective (which carries an ISSN number) is distributed to a mailing list of about 12,000 people in the FDI community and sent to the media world-wide, as well as to listservs and networks of professionals interested in, or working on, issues related to FDI.