“EU patents predict green recovery”
It has been published the interesting article ” EU patents predict green recovery” on the e journal Horizon http://horizon-magazine.eu/article/eu-patents-predict-green-recovery_en.html
It has been published the interesting article ” EU patents predict green recovery” on the e journal Horizon http://horizon-magazine.eu/article/eu-patents-predict-green-recovery_en.html
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The international conference “AIB US-Northeast Chapter Special Meeting on China” was held last week, 21-24 May 2014 in Beijing and Tianjin in Beijing Technology and Business University and Tianjin Foreign Studies University, respectively. PhD candidate Katiuscia Vaccarini, University of Macerata, Italy and Prof. Louise Curran, Toulose Business School, France took part in the conference and presented…
Climate change is emerging as one of the biggest challenges confronting the sustainability of our planet, affecting the development prospects of both developed and developing countries. http://www.ids.ac.uk/publication/who-drives-climate-relevant-policy-implementation-in-china
At the High Level Economic and Trade Dialogue in Beijing today, China announced its intention to contribute to the Investment Plan, as well as closer cooperation with the EU on investment issues in general. Today during the High Level Economic and Trade Dialogue in Beijing, Vice-Premier Ma Kai informed Commission Vice-President Jyrki Katainen that China…
Another success for POREEN: Horizon magazine, the European Union’s Research and Innovation Magazine, has published the article ‘Asian trade may have launched Europe’s industrial age’ which features POREEN project.
China’s 2012 Energy Report Card by Trevor Houser | February 27, 2013 available at http://rhg.com/notes/chinas-2012-energy-report-card