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“EU patents predict green recovery”
It has been published the interesting article ” EU patents predict green recovery” on the e journal Horizon http://horizon-magazine.eu/article/eu-patents-predict-green-recovery_en.html

The challenges for Chinese FDI in Europe
Columbia FDI Perspectives is an occasional series of perspectives on important and topical foreign direct investment issues. The Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment seeks to promote a robust and wide ranging exchange of perspectives in the FDI area. Accordingly, the opinions expressed by individual authors through the Columbia FDI Perspectives do not necessarily reflect the opinions…

Solar – SPI Solar secures funding from three Chinese banks
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Walter Van Damme, CEO of Kardan Water, “Environmental Protection and Waste Water Treatment in China”
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The European Union and China: global partners with global responsibilities
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PHD Scholarship within University of Macerata
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