Kick off Meeting, Brussels, 28.01.2013
location: Brussels, Madariaga College of Europe Foundation
date: 28 January 2013
Program Kick Off Meeting
See a map of Brussels{gmap|14 Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée, Brussels, 1040, Belgium|700|700}
location: Brussels, Madariaga College of Europe Foundation
date: 28 January 2013
Program Kick Off Meeting
See a map of Brussels{gmap|14 Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée, Brussels, 1040, Belgium|700|700}
Workshop entitled ‘Four Decades of EU-China Relations: How far have we come? How far can we go?’ Organised on Wednesday, 5 August 2015, this one day workshop at Dundee University in Scotland will offer researchers a platform to exchange research and the latest analyses on EU-China relations. Please click here to consult the Call for Papers & get additional information….
The paper on “THE IMPACT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND INSTITUTIONAL FACTORS ON CHINESE GREEN INVESTMENTS IN EUROPE: HOME AND HOST COUNTRY EFFECT”, by Francesca Spigarelli and Lv Ping, at the 4th Copenhagen Conference on:”Emerging Multinationals’: Outward Investment from Emerging Economies”, Copenhagen (Denmark), 9-10 October 2014. More information available at
WORKSHOP: Issues of Urban Design in the Era of Ubiquitous Information, organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong & Utrecht University, Hong Kong, July 3-4-5 2014 PROGRAMME 2014 07 03 CUHK-UU Programme-definitivo Watch the video in which Terrence Mak from Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the Chinese Hong Kong University shows his project regarding the UAVs…
Researchers from the Economic Area of Poreen will present their research outputs and will discuss about environmental topics in China-Europe cooperation during the 8th China Goes Global Conference (Preliminary Program at a glance: that will be held in Shanghai, at Shanghai Jaotong University on August 19th-21st 2014. Poreen Panel Thursday, August 21, 2014 (Xin…
NEW! Paolo Davide Farah, Le Misure Antidumping Dell’Unione Europea Alla Luce Del Regolamento N. 182/2011 (The Antidumping Measures of the European Union in the Light of the EU Regulation 182/2011) – free download
Click for the pdf: POREEN Workshop 5th August 2015