Energy Efficiency – MIIT releases “Green Industry Development Special Action Plan”


MIIT action plans calls for a 4 million ton reduction in coal consumption in 2015 and places particular focus on controlling harmful emissions in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Yangzte River Delta regions, with overarching sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, VOC and dust control targets. Test projects in these regions will be used to establish national targets. The plan also calls for a national industrial energy conservation monitoring platform covering more than 2000 energy intensive enterprises.  The MIIT’s latest policy release builds upon a series of emission and energy efficiency related targets, particularly for energy intensive industries like steel and cement. A major obstacle in the implementation of these plans will be the need to decide whether or not upgrades or shut downs are merited at manufacturing sites in industries facing significant overcapacity and an uncertain business climate. (MIIT CN)

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