Poreen final conference – Brussels december 20, 2016
It was held in Brussels, at Building of the Committee of the Regions, the final conference of poreen project.
It was held in Brussels, at Building of the Committee of the Regions, the final conference of poreen project.
Call for papers 8th annual China goes Global conference, to be held in Shanghai. More information can also be found on http://www.chinagoesglobal.org/conference/callforpaper/
A direct testimony of a Spanish manager doing business in China: “no one could understand the Chinese culture without studying their traditions”. Everybody knows that culture and language affect the way we do business and the way we consider our investments, even inside the same country, like Spain (for example, the Catalans and the Andalusians)…
A new scientific article published on Energy Policy Journal. The integration of Chinese and European renewable energy markets: The role of Chinese foreign direct investment by Ping Lv, Francesca Spigarelli In the renewable energy (RE) sectors, foreign direct investments are becoming an important mean of regional integration between China and Europe, as a result of…
Matteo Barra, Expert Officer on Energy Investments, Energy Charter Secretariat, Bruxelles, “Overview and Lessons in Central Asia from Investment Disputes under the Energy Charter Treaty”. on 23th July 2015. Introduction and comments from Prof. Paolo Davide Farah (gLAWcal – Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development – United Kingdom & University Institute of European Studies, IUSE,…
PHD Scholarship within University of Macerata – Industrial doctorate See the call at http://www.unimc.it/sda/bando/eureka-2014-cicloxxx/ica
MIIT action plans calls for a 4 million ton reduction in coal consumption in 2015 and places particular focus on controlling harmful emissions in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Yangzte River Delta regions, with overarching sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, VOC and dust control targets. Test projects in these regions will be used to establish national targets. The…